We exist to bring men to the knowledge of Christ and build them up to discover who they are in Christ Jesus.
We create an enabling environment where everyone can belong, develop their talents spiritually and become a blessing in the community.
To support, develop and raise vessel in Drama ministries to win souls for Christ.
Provision of resources such as a well equipped Library, A Standard Production and Post Production Facilities Atmosphere for its members.
To Promote and Encourage qualitative ministerial standard, Organise training and seminars for Drama Ministers.
To bring all Christian Drama Ministers to work on film project together and to Assist Churches and Community in film project.
To bring all drama ministers and ministries in United Kingdom together to give them a voice so that our voice can go further.
To Educate and empower Christian Drama Ministers through seminars, workshop and Prayers to enable fulfil their purpose.
To Promote and Encourage qualitative ministerial standard, organise training and seminars for Drama Ministers as stated in the vision.
To be a resource bank for all Drama Minister in the UK.
To provide information on ministerial opportunity for Christian Drama Ministers by maintaining an update register of all members and their field specialisation.
The expansion of Christian Drama Ministry.
To bring all Christian Drama Ministers and Ministries under one umbrella.
To prevent the influx of heretical and unbiblical ideas in Christian Drama through any means.
To encourage and enhance qualitative ministerial standard in the production of Christian Drama.
To educate and work with other Christian bodies locally and internationally for the purpose of expanding the gospel through drama.
To provide information on ministerial opportunities for Christian Drama Ministers by maintaining an up-to-date register of all members and their fields of specialization.
To organize interdenominational Musical and Drama Festivals form time to time that will involve local and international bodies.
To publish an up-to date journal
These are some of our fantastic numbers
is a Christian film actor, dramatist, producer and director. He is a Drama Evangelist, Founder and President of Mount Zion Faith Ministries and Mount Zion Television. The Head Advisory Council for various International Christian Drama Associations. Married to Evang. Gloria with 3 children
is a child of God, lover of God and a disciple, a leader, an actor and a christian drama minister. Married to Temitope with 3 children.